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How Blender 3D is Expanding The World of Digital Media

Accessible Industries: Blender 3D

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

World of Design:

We've all seen the cool graphics on our Instagram search pages, you know, the flashy chrome and glass trends that have smashed their way into fashion, branding and graphic posts. I don't know about you but I've noticed the use of 3D software being used a lot more commonly nowadays, through a variety of different visual communications, have you seen it too?

In social media content, in film VFX and even in video games. A lot of the production processes for these types of images are created using the same softwares and they are more accessible than you'd think... Introducing Blender 3D!!!

What's Blender 3D?

Blender...? Isn't that a kitchen-side machine? I see the link but no, Blender is a production software that allows you to build, sculpt and rig 3D images, enabling you to render them for print or film. The most amazing thing about the software is that it's FREE! Yes it's free! Available to download from their official website [not an ad or affiliate].

So, What Can Blender Do? Eh?

You can create 3D assets, build environments or items, sculpt pretty much anything and animate it for render, or, export your 3D model to another software.

You can find Blender being used in many places. From VFX and animation within TV and film. To product based design, 3D sculpting for commercial production, even character design and the creative development of many video games.

Did I mention this is free? Anyone can totally start learning how to make 3D images/ assets!

The Future is Blender:

The use of 3D imagery is becoming ever more popular. With accessible software like Blender, artists are able to collaborate and connect a hyper-realism style to their work. Allowing the boundaries of fantasy to be broken. This leads me to think about AR and how it could be utilised in marketing or other visual based campaigns.

So what does that mean for the rest of us? Well.. Many companies, like Facebook, are beginning to look at Blender. They're heavily investing in what the future of social media might look like. In regards to their Metaverse, Facebook is celebrating an opportunity for creatives to use their work on their platform. Community forum, blenderbasecamp says:

"If you are curious about what Blender is used for a company like Facebook for example, well they are looking towards what social media will look like in the future, and are investing heavily in development for both virtual reality and augmented reality, where Blender will also play a key role in."

Image by Religiosa, 2021. 'Thomas The Stank Engine'.

The Future is Bright:

Personally, I'm intrigued to see how artists use tools like Blender. The possibility for creative expression is endless and I find that really exciting. As well as the fact, productions including this software are becoming more fluent in media. The thought of what projects people are working on is super exciting!

Blender Education:

I'm interested to know how I can learn Blender and use it in my work, in the production of creative media for events. Thankfully, it's really easy to find amazing tutorials as the community's great. The blenderbasecamp forum says that:

"the education industry is where Blender is most commonly used. But this actually makes sense when you think about it, as Blender is the perfect tool for learning how to perform all sorts of CG-related tasks from 3D modeling to visual effects."

If you're thinking of learning Blender, you can find loads of tutorials on YouTube, TikTok, Facebook and Instagram super easily, by searching 'Blender tutorials' or by typing 'How to... insert what you're looking for... Blender' and spiral into madness of making everything you want.

Here's a few creators who's videos I've found really helpful:

●@Intranetgirl | Creative Design.

●@Fxntxnile | Fantasy Design.

●@Derekelliott | Product Design.

●@Blenderguru | Asset Design.

●@Polyfjord | Rigging & Structure.

News Train:

If you're interested in hearing more about my Blender journey, or are interested in learning more about how to get creative with your project, sign up to my News Train mailing list here!

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